Men of Color in STEM

Men of Color in STEM


Support group for men of color in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines.
Modeled after basketball superstar Lebron James’ HBO show “The Shop”, the group operates like a
neighborhood barbershop and provides men of color in STEM a safe space to discuss issues that are
important to them. The barbershop has always provided a safe haven for cultural chats in the Black and
Latinx communities. These affinity spaces are important to men of all backgrounds and have special
significance in communities of color.
Male students are encouraged to discuss their strengths, including resilience, determination, and the
ability to persevere in challenging situations. Psychology literature has stressed the importance of
encouraging young men to demonstrate their passion for science and having opportunities to reflect on
their experiences. The group is intended to build a supportive climate that helps students learn to trust
faculty, staff, and students and openly discuss the challenges they face.

Contact Information

222 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
United States
Contact Email E:
This organization has no officers.